We only have 2 problems in America.

1. We don't know the Constitution.

2. We let others make our decisions for us.

These 10 words are arguably the most important in the entire constitution.

"and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

This is the safety valve our founding fathers put in the Constitution!

This is how 'We the People" hold our politicians accountable and steer the direction of our country!

Tell Congress to confirm President Trumps appointees, IMMEDIATELY!

Unfilled positions within our government's structure pose a threat to the smooth, efficient operation of fundamental administrative systems. Delaying appointment leaves gaps in leadership, impacting policy decisions and causing delays in critical operational processes. As concerned citizens, we urge Congress to expedite these appointments. Let’s come together to use the power of our collective voices and urge Congress to act swiftly. Sign these petitions today and demand timely action for the good of our nation.

Vote Yes/No here
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