Americas Policy Institute
Support Policy NOT Politicians™
This one change, changes everything
The Americas' Policy Institute mission is to change the way we elect politicians!
Our motto, Support Policy NOT Politicians™ fixes everything!
Support Policy NOT Politicians™ eliminates VOTER FRAUD!
Support Policy NOT Politicians™ stops the need for Republican or Democrat!
Support Policy NOT Politicians™ stops the billions that pollute our lives with nightmare advertising campaigns!
Support Policy NOT Politicians™ works on local, state and Federal levels!
Support Policy NOT Politicians™ unites us around solutions and isn’t that what we want, to be the UNITED States of America?
If we Support Policy NOT Politicians™ “We the People” become the solution
This one change, changes everything.
At election time Politicians say “vote for me and I will fight for you” and all we ever get is higher taxes and more gridlock.
Support Policy NOT Politicians™ allows us to take our fight to them.
It’s as simple as, “We the People” are the boss and any good boss sets policy for their employees.
If we can get on FB and twitter by the millions and voice our complaints and nothing happens.
We can get on Americas Policy Institute by the millions and Support Policy NOT Politicians™.
If we Support Policy NOT Politicians™ in numbers too big to ignore we can exercise our authority.
If we Support Policy NOT Politicians™ in numbers too big to ignore we can take our country back!
At Americas Policy Institute we have built a platform to Support Policy NOT Politicians™.
There are some amazing policy solutions to issues that the government just can’t seem to solve!!
The website is free to use and there are solutions for everything from healthcare to immigration for “We the People” to vote on.
There are also polls like “should our children be taught basic finance in school as part of the regular curriculum”?
On Americas' Policy institute™ website you can take the polls of current solutions, and you can also submit your ideas for better government, have those ideas polled to see if it is what others think.
Ultimately, if we get Americans to vote on these solutions in numbers too big to ignore, our politicians will turn them into law.
Our polls are never manipulated and when you vote on a solution or one of the polls you immediately see the current standings of how others have voted.
In a world of finger-pointing where those Republicans did this and those Democrats did that and if we had done that, they would’ve crucified us, and then mudslinging campaigns that we have to put up with on TV, its just back and forth and nothing gets done and the American people suffer.
All we have to do is change the way we elect our politicians.
All we have to do is “flip our game”
If we Support Policy NOT Politicians™ “We the People” become the solution
This one change, changes everything
If we Support Policy NOT Politicians™, we don’t even need social media.
We put down our phones and start looking each other in the eyes and start talking about a new way to elect politicians and discuss with each other the solutions at Americas Policy Institute.
Support Policy NOT Politicians™ is really our only way out of this mess!
A recall allows us to fire a politician, however it isn’t used, because to recall a politician you have to have thousands of signatures which means a lot of door knocking and explaining.
However, if Support Policy NOT Politicians™ at Americas Policy Institute and the politician is not following the policy that “We the People” have set, all we have to do is send a text to all the members and we can remove a politician inside of 30 days in most cases!
If we Support Policy NOT Politicians™ in numbers too big to ignore we can hold a revolution without firing a single shot!
On Americas' Policy institute™ website you can submit your ideas for better government , have those ideas polled by members, take the polls of current solutions,
Americas' Policy Institute™ was formed for one reason.
To give the forgotten and the backbone of this nation a voice .
Thank you
Americas' Policy Institute™ Team
Americas Policy Institute