
Welcome to Americas Policy Institute the only organization where YOU can

Support Policy NOT Politicians

We have policy solutions that work FOR Americans not against Americans

The Constitution and more specifically the 10th amendment are designed for America to be a self-governing society.

Using our State Governments "We the People" can return the Federal Government to their original duties of;

a. Securing our borders    b. Keeping a strong military   

c. Handling international affairs    d. Settling disputes between states

Everything else could and should be handled on a state and local level

To take action RIGHT NOW using YOUR state legislation follow the steps 4 below!

Step 1

Start (here) Preview Directives, Vote

This is how we become organized.

We preview the Directives and place our votes.

From Term Limits to Border Security to Healthcare!

We must put so much pressure on our state politicians they have no choice but to listen to us!!!

A directive is a direct order to YOUR State Legislators with specific instructions, to take specific actions, on specific issues.

Plus, a voting platform for each issue so you can back up the directive with your vote

Step 2 

Register to Unite with your Fellow Americans

This is how we become United

Register to unite with our fellow Americans to

Support Policy Not Politicians 

This says you stand behind your votes, and the directives.

Another great reason to be registered is when they introduce a bill, pass a law or take an action that we don’t like, we can immediately notify everyone,

get a directive out and engage our state legislations and stop them before they ever get started

We can take action right now.

“We the People” are in charge! We do not have to file a lawsuit and have some judge tell us what we can and can’t do!

WE can take action


Step 3

Click (here) to Look Up Your State Legislator

Step 3 links to every state legislator's email address and phone number.

Also easy to follow instructions to set up and prepare an email to send to your state legislator's.

Step 4

Click (here) for the "Directive of the Day"

This is how we

Speak As One Voice!

 Check "Directive of the Day"

  calendar to ensure we all send the same directive and make the same phone call on the same day.

Easy to follow instructions to complete your email and send.

The next day we all send a different directive and make a phone call, and so on,

when we get to the end, we start all over!  

A personal email

and phone call may not seem like much however,  Just imagine State Legislators all across America receiving 100 million or more Directives and phone calls EVERY DAY!

The more of us that do this eventually we will jamb their emails with these directives or orders!

We will jamb their

phone lines!

Then we can go to their events and confront them!

We go to their offices in our state capitals and confront them. We can get together with family, friends, co-workers or neighbors and confront them as groups.


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