Tax Reform Page


The United STATES of America was originally structured that each state govern itself.

This is why every state has a Governor, a Senate, a House of Representatives,

a Department of Revenue, a Supreme Court and a National Guard

"We the People" CAN use our state legislatures to repeal the 16th Amendment and stop all federal taxes and deposit them in our state treasuries and there is nothing the federal government can do about it!

This ONE CHANGE would immediately force the federal government out of power leaving the federal government to do its job which is; 

 1. Securing our borders 

 2. Keeping a strong military 

 3. Handling international affairs 

 4. Settling disputes between the states

All other issues could and should be handled on a local and state level

This would force the federal government to request any additional funding by telling The American People how they want to spend our money and allow The American People to approve or disapprove the expenditures.

This would close the IRS!

This would give the power back to the state governments where it constitutionally belongs!

"We the People" hold all the power.

  1. We have the strength in numbers!
  2. The Constitution is our law of this land, and there is only 1 way to change/amend the Constitution and that change must include our state governments. This is why our only choice is to engage our state governments into this fight!
  3. It is the cash flow of our tax dollars that makes it all work! It's OUR money that gives THEM power!


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